Friday, October 21, 2011

Occupancy of Thought

New Scientist in this article announces that a group of researchers have identified the one percent so many talk about and although it is found indeed powerful and concentrated not a result of intent, yet rather one of natural complex ordering. The question of course is should we mess with the invisible hand or leave it be. The answer can only be found with science in studying models which propose changes and run simulations to indicate results; and yet first of all we need to decide what we would like our world to be; this is why the occupancy of thought is more important than one of place.


PlatoHagel said...

Hi Phil,

It is important to understand that the ground work was being done before the actual events in terms of the economy were to be played out?

I do not know what to think anymore. I have detached myself form the events for a time here to concentrate on other things. I still occupies a part of my attention as to what sits in the background so as to claim "this desire of society" to become better and accountable to all that use the system.


What is ‘the anti-globalization movement’? [1] I put the phrase in quote-marks because I immediately have two doubts about it. Is it really a movement? If it is a movement, is it anti-globalization? Let me start with the first issue. We can easily convince ourselves it is a movement by talking it into existence at a forum like this—I spend far too much time at them—acting as if we can see it, hold it in our hands. Of course, we have seen it—and we know it’s come back in Quebec, and on the US–Mexican border during the Summit of the Americas and the discussion for a hemispheric Free Trade Area. But then we leave rooms like this, go home, watch some TV, do a little shopping and any sense that it exists disappears, and we feel like maybe we’re going nuts. Seattle—was that a movement or a collective hallucination? To most of us here, Seattle meant a kind of coming-out party for a global resistance movement, or the ‘globalization of hope’, as someone described it during the World Social Forum at Porto Alegre. But to everyone else Seattle still means limitless frothy coffee, Asian-fusion cuisine, e-commerce billionaires and sappy Meg Ryan movies. Or perhaps it is both, and one Seattle bred the other Seattle—and now they awkwardly coexist.


PlatoHagel said...


Phil Warnell said...

Hi Plato,

Thanks for your input and links. The reason for my post was not to indicate I have a solution yet rather wondering if its something which can be confidently found and if so how. This material will give me more to think about as I continue to wonder.

